Wednesday 12 January 2011

In the words of Madonna....

I'm a Material Girl !!!!
It's WOYWW and again it's a pile of fabric ---

you know how it is when you go to look for something and get side tracked --- well I do ---and this is what I found .. A box of forgotten treasure . Now the question is what to do with it ! Sure I'll think of something ,
but best not get too sidetracked as have other commisions to do and workshop samples , not to mention cards .
Off to nose round your desks and will no doubt get sidetracked visiting everyone,
isn't it fun to peek .
For those that haven't yet, pop to julia's blog and join in.
Anne xxx


  1. oh yes....I know the feeling...sidetracked is my middle name...can't wait to see what you cook up with this gorgeous pile...big hugs kath xxx

  2. yup, I get sidetracked too, far too easily lol
    interesting bunch of fabric there Anne
    have a great day

  3. Forgotton treasure - how lovely! So annoying when you have to do other things first though!

    Sherry (103)

  4. A bag, a bag!!!! A Girl can never have too many bags!

    As for sidetracked does going round in circles equate to the same thing...

  5. What to do with it? Send it to me of
    Hugs Mrs A. #98

  6. Ooooh look at all that delicious fabric! I'm sure you'll think of something! Happy WOYWW~ #11

  7. I recently found a box and a basket of forgotten fabric. Now I need to learn to sew again. he he

  8. Gorgeous mix of farbric there..Thanks so much for the peek and sharing. Hugs, Marjo #22. Happy WOYWW

  9. I just love when I find a forgotten box of goodies!! Lovely fabric! :D

    Thanks for the peek! :D


  10. You must be a bit like me..I love playing around with farics too.
    Sue xx 67

  11. Those are yummy fabrics. I know what I could do with them, so if you are stuck, give me a call, I'll take them off your hands, no problem.
    Tertia 88

  12. Being sidetracked is great fun - lovely lot of material will have to wait to see what you do with it ~ Nicky 45

  13. Sidetracked? You will be. But it will be worth it - and hey, wasn't it Douglas Adams who said the best sound he ever heard was the 'whoosh' of a deadline going by?!!

  14. LOVE all the material...Madonna had it right... I love the journey sometimes more than getting to the end. I get so sidetracked sometimes my family despairs they will lose me entirely. Love the journey!

  15. Ooooo such lovely fabric that's I treasure I would like to find.
