Monday 2 August 2010

Rainy Day Sunday !!!!

Despite the weather being overcast  I had a message from my chum Kath
to say she had made it to the car boot sale
 so off I went to pay her a visit .
 By the time I arrived the heavens had well and truly opened
but fearlessly Kath and her son braved it out
and it thankfully did dry up.
   Me thinks I'll maybe give this carbooting  a try and start a crafty stash fund !!!
Have added a link on my sidebar to Jacqui's
'cos she posted exciting news that she is looking to
create a NEW DESIGN TEAM !!!
So get your name down now --
email details over on Simply Create  Blog
Anne xxx


  1. thanks for braving the elements to keep me company yesterday and yes go for it..the old stash pot is brimming...all set for a crafty spend...lots of chat and lunch on Friday...big hugs kath xxx

  2. oops forgot to the new and very elegant blog make over...big hugs kath xxx

  3. Just thought I'd say hi after meeting you at the end of last week. Having so much fun with my new toys, can't wait to get back over to Simply Create. Jx

  4. Well Kath my background had somehow mysteriously diappeared !!! Maybe Robin had zapped it !!! so put this on quickly -- need to do something to match for the heading though if I'm going to keep it
    Anne xxx

  5. Loving your creative mind, let's get makin'!!!!
