Saturday 23 April 2011

An Eventful Morning !!!!!

With my list of jobs ever longer ,
 I got up at stupid o'clock as they say to get as many ticked off said list as possible............
Washing on - more gardening while it was cool ---------
BUT !!!
Looked up to see a "herd " (---- 8------) of cattle at the end of the drive !!!!!
So off we went to coax them into a field till we could identify which farm they had escaped from ---
choice of three  surrounding us .
They were having non of it and while we came in to phone --- they went walkabout again , back on the road .
There are some really stupid people in this world !!!!
No patience ----- started tooting horns --- poor cattle got really scared and stampeded up the hill--
round the back of our outbuilding and jumped the fence back on to the road.
Didn't mince my words with the stupid driver -----
So there I was -- broom in hand flagging down cars so they didn't come head on with the cattle in the road .
They are safely back in their own field, hopefully non the worse for wear!!
Having a cup of coffee now before getting back to the jobs in hand.
This is not an uncommon occurance out here -----
On my way to see Jacqui on Wednesday , I was chasing a sheep and her two lambs back to their field !!!
Fun in the countryside or what ?????
Shame I didn't think to run for the camera .
Hope everyone is  having as much fun  !!!
Anne x


  1. sounds like great fun lol
    we haven't had any loose beasts here for a wee while - we did have a calf in the garden a couple summers ago.
    have a great day

  2. Oh Anne a nice adveturous start to your weekend hope all is well now have a lovely easter .Audx

  3. crikey have you now added cowherd to your list of many talents...happy easter...big hugs kath xxx

  4. Oh how funny Anne, you do paint a funny picture in words! Not funny for the poor cattle though, they're lucky to have you keeping an eye out for them.

    Wishing you a very Happy Easter xx

  5. Lots of sheep and lambs and cows and calves around us here too. Have to keep a tight hold on my dogs!!! Been around farms all my life though as uncles had a farm and I married a farmer so at least I know what to do if I meet any of them when I'm in the car. Some stupid people can be very impatient though and it doesn't work!

    Have a lovely weekend.

    Kat xx

    BTW got my confirmation email from Kath today. I'm in!!!! Can't wait.

  6. how stupid are people when there are loose live stock on the roads!
    Looking forward to seeing you at girlie day!
    love teen xx
