Thursday 21 April 2011

No Craft Today !!

Off out again to play !!!
Meeting up with Fiona and Kath
before going to play with Lily .
Will have to work double time when I get home !!!
have a fun day everyone
Anne x


  1. Sounds like you have a lovely day planned, have fun and enjoy it :)

  2. you are definitely a bad influence...when am I going to get any work done...hugs kath xxx

  3. Sounds like a lovely day Anne. I'm happy cos my colleague's back to work today and I'm getting my day off after all!

    Kat xx

  4. Lovely flowers Anne. Thank you for commenting on my blog too. When I read your post that you were going to play with Lily ! thought it was me.!!!!! No such luck.

    Have a lovely day - I may be paying a visit to Alford this afternoon, only if I can persuade my husband that Alford is a lovely place to shop!
