Friday 13 May 2011

Yesterday's News ...

Mr Blogger wouldn't let me sign in last night to let you see what I'd been up to..........
was back at Simply Create yesterday and Jacqui asked me to use the new
fabric squares packs and produce another shabby cushion,

 people are still asking if there is another class.
However I decided instead to use the technique to make a bag .....

The fabrics are so summery and colourful ....
a fun holiday bag !

And talking of bags ,
 Maureen emailed me a photo of her bag she has decorated with lot of fab crochet flowers she is now an expert in making !!!!!!!
Great job Maureen X

Today was in Simply Create again and working on
"Rabbit Rabbit Rabbit"
No not blethering to myself, but a dressmaking workshop
for the cute rabbits Jacqui has instore ---

Will let you see her in her new outfit soon .

What a happy surprise today when Lily arrived with my lunch,
and we had to crank up the music so she could have a little boogie !!

What a cool little mover !!!!
Anne x


  1. gosh, busy busy wifie!
    have a fab weekend

  2. Love the new bag Anne ..... I WANT ONE!!!!!!!!!! xx Maureen

  3. oooh I LOVE LOVE this bag!!!!
    and what a sweetie your Lily is!
    love teen xx
