Strange today that FLUTTER BUTTER has come up twice -- once when Jacqui and I were working on all things Party -- which includes the Flutter Butter Workshop - and then when having a quick spin round blogland up came bunting - and it reminded me I had made a commission of butterfly bunting a couple of years ago in shabby chic fabric with 3D embroidered butterflies which I'd named "Flutter Butter Bunting " (-- sorry it's not a good pic but it was nice to look back on past "productions".
A really quick busy day today -- the new workshop list for Simply Create should be on it's way to you soon from Jacqui . Keep Creating !!! Anne xxx PS Posh dogs ( hidden in pic ) don't eat much if you want them in the shop Jacqui !!!
OOOH want the bunting, make a nice window display and wait until you see the new papers I ordered today, very lush and butterflyish! I so wish I could sew something other than paper, even DS2's ATC badges are on squint!
OOOH want the bunting, make a nice window display and wait until you see the new papers I ordered today, very lush and butterflyish! I so wish I could sew something other than paper, even DS2's ATC badges are on squint!